Rules and Regulations



(A detailed description of the following will be given to all the students at the time of admission to which they need to agree and sign in.) 


1. Every student is expected to spend some time with his/her Bible before the Lord each morning and to close the day with a time of prayer. 

2. Students must be present at all chapel services on time. All boarding students must attend the BBC Chapel for Sunday Worship Service, except those assigned for weekend ministry or permitted to go home. All students must be in chapel in time for the morning and evening devotions. They are expected to maintain proper order and keep up spiritual atmosphere during the chapel services.

Morning & Evening devotions: 5.40 to 6.00 a.m. and 6.40 – 7.10 p.m. 

Daily Chapel Service : 09.50 to 10.30 a.m. 

Afternoon Group Prayer : 1. 15 to 1. 30 p.m. 

3. Attendance in the above services is required of all the students unless otherwise permitted. Missing the morning devotion will cause a student to pay a fine of Rs. 100. If the student happens to miss five devotions a semester, his parent will be asked to come to BBC and give assurance of his son’s discipline for the student to continue in studies. 

4. All the students are required to attend special services or lectures conducted at the chapel. 

5. The Chapel must not be used as a common room. 


1. Students must speak respectfully and be obedient to the Teachers at all times. 

2. A student unable to attend class or late for class, must secure an ‘Excused Absence Slip’ from the Dean, to be initialed by the Teachers and returned to the Registrar’s Office. The faculty administration may take appropriate decisions in the case of a student unable to attend class due to serious sickness or any other unavoidable circumstances. However the absence in classes for more than 10 days will result in discontinuing that semester. Unexcused absence in class will result in disciplinary action including giving a lower grade or dropping the student from the class with grade ‘D’ 

3. Three times late to class will equal one unexcused absence, unless an excused absence paper for each lateness is presented to the teacher. 

4. Students must not call others from classes, nor interrupt a class in any way. Students may leave class briefly by permission. 

5. Examinations must be taken at the scheduled time. Advance notice is not required for class tests. Make up tests will be given only in case of illness and must be taken within two weeks. It is the student’s responsibility to talk to the teacher for making up a missed exam. Periodic testing and evaluation is a normal part of college life. If a student willfully neglects to write the missed class test, he will not be permitted to write the final examination. Late submission of assignments will result in giving a lower grade.

6. All students failing in any subject must take retests to be promoted to the next class. Those students who enrolled for M. Div. and B. Th. and failed in more than three subjects at the first semester examinations shall be demoted. Re-tests must be taken with in 2 weeks after the grade is published. Only two re- tests will be permitted per subject. Rs. 100/- will be charged for each re-test. Any student failing for more than three subjects in the re-examinations will be either demoted or dropped. 

7. In determining the Final Semester Average the following is suggested. 60% value for the final examination and 40% value for assignments, term papers and other class works. 

8. A student must pass in all subjects to be promoted to the next class and to obtain a Degree or a Diploma. Admission into the final semester class is given only on the completion of all the previous academic requirements. 

9. A student found guilty of any malpractice on exams will be suspended from the College for the coming semester. 

10. Students are not permitted to register or continue for any other studies after enrolled in BBC. 

11. All the students except M. Th. need to pass the Annual Scripture Knowledge Examination. All M. Div. students need to pass their Comprehensive Examination conducted in their final semester.


1. All students must attend or take part in special functions, picnics, or trips arranged by the College. 

2. No student shall marry during the College year, including interim between semesters, without the permission of the College. Those disobeying will be dropped for one year. However those who desire to get married during the summer vacation may obtain prior written permission from the College. 

3. No student may engage in any activities other than those sponsored by BBC without special prior permission from the Dean of Students with the consent of Principal. 

4. Students must be clean shaven, and hair always groomed. 

5. Students must be fully dressed at all times outside of their rooms. White dress is essential on all Wednesdays and during Sunday Services. 

6. No student is authorised to lend money or do any collection without the permission of the faculty. 


1. Room allotted to the student is to be considered as one’s own home for the College year. You must keep it clean at all times. Beds are to be made up, and rooms made tidy before 8.00 am each day. 

2. Personal cleanliness and habits of life must be observed. Quietness must be observed in your rooms. 

3. All trash, including razor blades, is to be deposited in trash pits.

4. Changing of student’s rooms, or room mates, may be done only with permission of the Dean.

5. Furniture is not to be moved. An inventory of all furniture in each room and of whole college is maintained by the College

6. Sunday, the Lord’s Day, is not to be used for any necessary work. Students may rest, study, pray after the worship service. 

7. All lights in the rooms must be turned off at 10.15 pm. Students must be in their rooms by lights out time. The Dean shall direct the schedule of bell-ringing and oversee duties of students. 

8. Walls and doors are not to be defaced with pictures, papers, writings, or nails. 

9. No student is permitted to use electrical appliances at rooms. Unauthorized use of electricity will result into an individual fine of one thousand rupees. 

10. General cleaning must be done every Saturday including beds, tables etc. and floors must be mopped. Each student is required to do the daily duties assigned by the Dean of students. Timely inspections will be made.

11. Guests are not permitted to stay overnight in the dormitory without the permission of the Dean. 

12. Any student leaving the campus without the permission of the Dean will be disciplined. Permitted time to go out is from 5.15 to 6.15 in the weekdays. 

13. Students are expected to maintain high moral standards. Any student involving in immoral or unethical behaviours shall be disciplined and dismissed. 

14. School properties, such as beds, library books, desks etc… must carefully be used and not in any way damaged or roughly handled. 

15. Any faulty or defective equipment, furniture or electricity, should be reported to the Dean immediately.


a. All students are required to observe the Kerala Government and local city health and safety rules, and are also required to take necessary vaccination for cholera, typhoid and any other kind of medicines, whenever required by the BBC administration. 

b. If a student is ill, he should report it to the Dean, who will decide if a visit to the Doctor is necessary. No student should give any kind of medicine to another student without Dean’s permission. 

c. Any student afflicted by any contagious disease will not be permitted to continue in the College until he is fully recovered. 

d. Any student found using or encouraging the use of Tobacco, Alcohol or drugs will be dismissed. 


1. All students are required to pay the fees prescribed by the college administration at the time of admission. Students are required to pay their fees on or before 15 th of each month. A fine of Rs. 100/- per month will be charged in case of failure to pay fees on time. Students failing to clear all the dues shall be prevented from appearing for the final examination and being graduated. Original certificates submitted at the office shall not be returned unless all the dues are cleared. 

2. Students granted with the work scholarship shall be required to work on campus, the hours assigned by the administration. Students who fail to finish the required work hours are obliged to pay Rs. 75/- each for every working hour missed. Those found neglecting the work hours shall be required to pay the full fees.

3. Thesis continuation fee must be paid by all students who fail to submit the theses (M. Th.: Rs. 1000/- and M. Div.: Rs. 500/-). The registration for any course shall expire by five years. 

4. All the students (except M. Th.) desiring to use laptops need to pay Rs. 50/- each on every month. 


a. Students are permitted to go home only once in a month. They shall go after 3.30 pm on Fridays and return on campus before 6.00 pm on Sundays. Married students and students assigned for weekend ministry may go at 3.30 pm on every Friday and be back before 6.00 pm on Sunday.

b. They shall obtain permission from the Dean of students before leaving the campus. 

c. Students who fail to return on time for any reason will be charged Rs. 250/- per day of absence. 

d. Any student absent from the College a day or more without prior permission shall be permitted to enter the class only after meeting the faculty after the chapel service.

e. Special permission must be obtained from the Dean if a student is to be absent from the class, work, study or chapel. 

f. Special permission must be obtained from the principal for any other leave. 

g. Day students are required to be in the College from 7. 50 am – 3. 15 pm, Monday – Friday and other days when required.


Home Missionary Council is functioning as the department of practical ministry at BBC. The HMC Committee arranges evangelism works for students to equip them for Christian ministry. The department’s major activities are weekend ministries and the one month evangelism programme during the summer vacation. 

1. Every Friday afternoon (1.45 pm onwards) is separated for practical work, every Wednesday evening (6.00 – 7.30 pm) is set apart as talent night and 9. 30 – 10 pm for intercessory prayers.

2. Every student is required to fulfill the various assignments given by the H.M.C. Attendance will be strictly observed. 

3. The faculty shall appoint student leaders (Evangelism chairman) for each semester.

4. Offerings will be taken on every Wednesday evening service which will be used for evangelism works. Mission intercessory prayer will be observed on First Friday of every month. 

5. Punctuality and proper behaviour must be observed in all the programmes (weekend ministries and Evangelism tour) of HMC. Any misbehaviour during the HMC practical ministry will result in serious disciplinary actions including dismissal. 

6. Only a member of the Assemblies of God shall be selected as leader of Church planting teams. 

7. Overall performance of a student in practical ministry will be evaluated and that will constitute a grade equivalent to a subject. 


1. Library is open from 8.00 am to 12.30 pm, 1.40 pm to 5.00 pm and 8.00 to 9.30 pm on week days and 8.00 am to 12.30 pm on Saturdays. All students are required to be in the Library Hall during the study hours. If a teacher is absent, the students must go to Library after waiting for 10 minutes.

2. Time to checkout books is from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm only.

3. The Librarian or authorized persons will supervise the Library on study hours. 

4. Silence must be strictly observed inside the library hall. No group discussion is allowed.

5. Any disturbance made during the study hours will be seriously dealt with. 

6. Do not damage library materials such as Books, Journals, Furniture and other equipments. Do not misuse any material belonging to our library, like marking, tearing or folding papers. 

7. Photocopying of the books is not allowed without the permission of the Librarian. Individuals will be responsible for any damage caused to the books on copying. 

8. Journals, Theses and Reference books will not be given out side of Library. 

9. General books will be issued for seven days. Books on demand will only be issued according to its availability. 

10. Two (to four) membership cards will be issued for each student per year. A student can check out one book on producing one of his/her cards. This card cannot be exchanged or transferred. Loss of a card will cost Rs. 20/- 


The keeping of these rules and earning of good marks, the paying of student fees, the character and the attitude of the students determine the eligibility of next year’s admission. Every student will be responsible to co-operate with the college and observe all rules and regulations announced by the administration in written or oral form, which may or may not be covered by the standing orders, as the need may arise.